Sunday, January 8, 2012

Interactive Video Conferencing

As the connectivity, affordability, and functionality of desktop and small room video conferencing systems have improved, so has the accessibility to integrating video conferencing into multimedia classrooms.  This allows guest speakers for classes, interactive collaborative projects between students, and experimentation with new applications of video technology into the curriculum. Emerging telecommunications technologies, the importance of standards-based network design, and the development of a suitable network infrastructure are all critical in an effective implementation strategy for video conferencing for innovative teaching and learning applications (Logan, 1998).

There are hosts of on line tools for interactive online video conferencing, including but not limited to the following:
  • ·         FuzeBox.Com
  • ·         GoToMeeting.Com
  • ·         Cisco.Com
  • ·         Yugm.Com
  • ·         DimDim.Com
  • ·         WebConference.Com
  • ·         GlobalCrossing.Com

Logan, T. (1998, November 02). Ideas. Retrieved January 08, 2012, from IDEASnet Home Page:


  1. Victoria,

    Great start to your storyboard. Have you thought about having an online video conference sample added to your storyboard? This would show how this innovation works.


  2. Victoria, You might want to add Skype, Oovo, and Ustream to your list. I remember when an entire classroom had to be set aside for distance learning and now it takes only a small laptop, a way to project the video and audio, and a tweet to a friend. When a recent connection fell through, I literally tweeted my need (wasn't going to let 5th grade down without a fight!) and had a Canadian professor call in seconds. And Alec Couros was great!
